Senator Roland W. Burris Statement on President Obama’s Speech on Troop Increase to Afghanistan

“I join President Obama, my fellow Senators, and my colleagues on the Senate Armed Services Committee in expressing my unequivocal support our troops this evening. I am mindful of the high demands placed on our troops and their families when they are called to bravely serve our nation, and I thank them for their service and sacrifice.

“Tonight, President Obama spoke to the nation about his plan forward in Afghanistan, and I support the President’s strategic goals for the region; specifically that we train Afghan security forces to defend and protect themselves, restore political stability, and continue to disrupt, dismantle, and destroy Al Qaeda in the region. I am encouraged that the President is working in partnership with the international community and our NATO allies to help bring stability to Afghanistan.

“However, I have reservations about our ability to maintain a firm, timely, and condition-based exit strategy following a significant elevation in the number of American servicemen in the theater. And I have further concerns about the accountability and transparency of the Afghan government to its people.”