Fighting for Health Reform

We all know that the American healthcare system is in a state of crisis. Profits are skyrocketing, and relative health outcomes are down.

The time for reform is now. We are closer to passing comprehensive legislation than anyone has been in nearly 100 years. The weight of history and of consensus cannot be ignored.

So let’s seize this opportunity. Let’s do this now – but let’s also do it right. Let us pass health insurance reform that includes a strong public option.

For me, reform with a public option is about three things: competition, lower costs, and accountability. It’s time to put ordinary Americans back in the driver’s seat – and that’s exactly what the public option would do.

There are only two industries that aren’t bound by the anti-trust laws that apply to every other business in the United States: health insurance and Major League Baseball. In such a highly concentrated environment, there is no incentive to compete.

A public option would make insurance providers compete for business, just like any other company. It would give people a choice for the first time in decades.

Under the current system, health premiums are rising four times faster than wages. There are almost 50 million Americans without health coverage – but there are millions more who can barely afford what little coverage they have.

If private companies have to compete with a public plan, people’s premiums will come down. But providers will also improve the quality of coverage. As a result, better care would become available to more people.

And that’s why our reforms would prevent companies from discriminating against people who have pre-existing conditions. A public option would give the American people somewhere else to turn. It would allow them to hold insurance providers accountable.

It’s time to prioritize patients over profits. It is time to pass comprehensive reform with a public option.

I’d like to thank all of my colleagues who have led the fight for the public option, and all of the individuals and groups that have been working hard to advocate for the public option.
(In this photo: Senator Burris speaks to supporter of healthcare reform at Health Reform Vigil)